Thursday, January 31, 2013

BlackBerry Won't Win Back Business Users - Business Insider

Kevin Smith/Business Insider


In addition to new smartphones, BlackBerry (formerly known as Research In Motion) also released new software to help businesses manage fleets of smartphones.

But the new software could be too little, too late, writes IT consultant? Michael Davis, president of External IT and a columnist for InformationWeek

First, the good news. BlackBerry Enterprise Server 10 has two new features that enterprises should love.

One feature makes BlackBerry devices super secure. BES 10 now has military-grade encryption. Even if the BlackBerry is on a public WiFi connection, hackers can't snoop on emails or Web apps.

The second feature is even better and something that other tech companies, like VMware, have been working on for years. It's called BlackBerry Balance.?

Balance allows the phone to be divided into two separate phones: personal and work. You can have, for instance, two Box apps, one for work documents the other for personal and the two never mix. Your company can dictate security restrictions on your work email, but not for your private Gmail, etc.

That's good stuff, but maybe not good enough.

These features only work with the new BlackBerry phones.

Plus "RIM didn't do anything to reduce the costs and complexity" of BES, contends Davis. RIM is charging about $99 per phone for the BES license, plus other potential monthly fees, reports the Wall Street Journal's Clint Boulton.

That's a problem because there are a ton of alternatives to BES that work better for a company that needs to manage iPhones and Android devices too. It's an entire industry known as Mobile Device Management.

And ultimately, users want to choose their own devices. So unless most employees want the new BlackBerry phones, a company has little reason to buy the new BES 10 software, Davis notes.

Don't miss: 8 Enterprise Startups Creating A Brand-New, $4 Billion Market


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PM to discuss Africa terror threat

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Never mind swanning off to Algeria! get our country sorted out first you silly bastard!stay there you pretentious, self-centred, obnoxious, selfish, two faced BASTARD.

hope they use you for target practice.

Please get amnesia and think you are native to the country and refuse to come back to the UK !

i hope he gets taken hostage! and we don`t negotiate with hostages mwah ha ha ha lol. mind you if they shoot him in the head they`ll miss his brain by a good 6ft lol

lol@him and his "scary" face

what a knob head, pretending to fix everyone else's problems instead of ours.

the whole of europe is laughing at us and all he wants to do is run off-anywhere apart from this country, where his loyalties SHOULD lie.

Do the country a favour and go there alone, with any luck a terrorist cell will grab you and do Britain a favour and dispose of the Crap

He cannot run this Country so he's going over there to try and run theirs! Lets hope they keep him.

Hope he bloody stays there.

think youve caused enough trouble over there already david

mmmmmmmm... Algeria eh?....mmmmm... country where militant islamists are kidnapping and murdering westeners..mmmmmmm..?..

With only a one way ticket perhaps. I bloody hope so.

Is it me, or has anyone noticed that, the heads of government from Norway, Switzerland, Greece, Spain, Portugal, Belgium, Poland, Rumania, etc, etc, never seem to get themselves involved in this sort of issue! So why is this dangerous dictator Ca'Moron

Algeria, another former French colony with continued close ties to France..... where is the French president, nowhere to be seen.... he has more sense, and will happily let the stupid British stick their heads down the toilet!

David Cameron is travelling to Algeria as he steps up efforts to tackle the growing terrorist threat in northern Africa.

I feel sorry for north africa, if David goes over there to help them like he's helped Brittain they are ******ed.

Sort the country out? this moron couldn't sort the alphabet into its proper order.

I heard that this idiot has come up with a celebration for next year. He wants us to celebrate the start of the first world war and the start of the slaughter of millions. Yes he is that thick and stupid. First time I have ever heard of or found this act anything other than an absolute bloody disgrace. Then the pratt will no doubt think it is then ok to turn up on remembrance day. Only a nasty **** could come up with this one. I suggest that the useless dimwit stays away from all acts of remembrance and not make a mockery of the event.

I hope he is going to ask for some of their much larger army, than ours ever will be again, to help sort out AFRICA's problems. He cant sort out our problems?so **** chance does he have there!!

hope the ragheads get him no good here hes killing the poor and the weak

I put 3 comments on here last night they have mysteriously disappeared why I thought that?we were entitled to freedom of speech, or is it a case of only if you approve it first.msn.??

This man has a face I would never tire of slapping!

You mean we were stupid enough to pay for a return fare? What dumkoff passed this expense.


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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Bruised Fruit Isn't Bad For You, But It May Mold Quicker

Bruised Fruit Isn't Bad For You, But It May Mold QuickerEating bruised fruit isn't very appealing, but that doesn't make it bad for you. Slate's Brian Palmer explains why there's no reason you shouldn't make use of it.

When fruit is bruised, its skin is compromised, allowing oxygen into the fruit itself. Oxidized fruit results in cellular damage and the flesh turning brown and mushy. As gross as it may look, it isn't bad for you at all?but do be on the lookout for mold, as bruised fruit is more susceptible to infection:

If your bruised fruit has visible microbial growth, is it still safe to eat the nondamaged portion? It depends on the fruit. The question is whether the roots of the mold have penetrated the food. It's difficult for mold to grow deep into firm fruits. So feel free to cut away the moldy portion of a bell pepper-yes, bell peppers are a fruit-and eat the remainder. Bananas, on the other hand, are too soft to repel a mold invasion, so a banana with a bruised, moldy spot should be tossed.

And for those fruits that are just a bit bruised here and there and may be too unsightly to eat whole? Feel free to do what The Kitchn commenters recommend and use them to make other things: banana bread, fruit salad, and smoothies are all great ideas.

Is It Safe to Eat Damaged Fruit? | Slate via The Kitchn

Photo by scott ogilvie .


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In Home Personal Care: How Far are you willing ... - Elder Care Cafe

One of the most difficult tasks of a family caregiver is when the parent needs personal care. Very few adult children are able or willing to perform the intimate tasks of personal hygiene that will keep their parent clean and healthy. Most of us know how a shower or bath and a clean change of clothes can perk up our attitude and give us a feeling of mental wellbeing. The same good feeling happens when our parent is clean as well.

As people age, they often find it difficult or even impossible to take a bath or shower especially on a daily basis. It also becomes difficult to reach the areas of the body that need to be washed. It can also be difficult to get dressed afterwards. They may be suffering from arthritis or the numerous aches and pains in the joints that many aging seniors must endure. Even the act of getting dressed eventually becomes too difficult.

Adult children find it very difficult to have to see their mother or father naked, let along wash and dry their body and help them get dressed. It can be embarrassing to both the senior and their daughter or son.

One way you can deal with this situation is to remove clothing from their body one area at a time. Wash that area, or help them if they are still able to move their arm or hand, and then dry and cover that are before moving on the next. ? If they have a walk in shower, you can place a bench within the shower and use a handheld shower device to help them wash their body, especially in hard to reach areas. They can often wash their own face, hands and arms.

While you have them in the shower, this is a good time to help them wash their hair and brush their teeth. Trying to brush their teeth standing at a sink can be painful and awkward for them.

If your parent is bedridden, you will have to sponge bathe them using a dishpan of water. Again, you can wash one area at a time leaving the rest of their body covered in order to keep embarrassment at bay.

While active people usually bathe on a daily basis, inactive seniors can go a day or two before they need a full bath. A daily washing or hands, face, and private areas should be adequate in most cases.

Because I am caring for my father, I?ve been able to get help from a local home care agency. We call them Dads? shower gals. Currently they are coming in twice a week ? Monday and Friday ? and giving him a full shower and getting him redressed in clean clothes. What is cool about this agency is that they also clean his bathroom and bedroom and take out the trash. They would clean the whole house if we wanted to pay for that, but I?m able to take care of the rest.

I?ve said right from the start that I do not want to touch my father any more than necessary and I have been sticking to that. There are ways you can get help if you feel the same way about your parent. It?s actually not that expensive considering the alternative.

The other plus for us at this time is that since we joined the PACE program, the in-home care is at no cost to us. You should check on whether such a program is available in your community. It?s a state-wide initiative that helps seniors and their caregivers physically and financially.


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BlackBerry Q10 hands-on

BlackBerry Q10 handson

Forget the all-touch Z10 for a moment. This here is RIM's BlackBerry's other BB 10 device -- the BlackBerry Q10. As you can tell from its alphanumeric moniker, that single letter is a nod towards the handset's physical leanings. That's right, it's a hybrid touch / physical QWERTY model and one that diehard BlackBerry fans won't only be more familiar with, but potentially more willing to embrace with open palms. With a 720 x 720 Super AMOLED 3.1 inch display, the Q10's screen is slightly larger than its touch hybrid predecessor, the Bold 9930, and sports a much tighter pixel density of 328ppi (BlackBerry claims the display is 360ppi, which doesn't jibe with our math). The screen itself is plenty bright and contrasty with incredible viewing angles. We didn't notice any of the telltale blue-tinge typical of AMOLED implementations, but the overtly blue lighting around us might have helped mask those shortcomings.

The steel band around the middle and "glass weave" backplate actually gave the device a pleasantly premium feel in our hands. It was solid, well shaped and smooth to the touch without being plasticky. The 1.5GHz dual-core CPU and 2GB of RAM keep the device humming along quite smoothly. It reacted almost instantaneously to input with no hiccups. The smaller screen size did make touch input seem a little less natural, but the ability to just start typing and search or perform actions (such as sending an email) more than made up for the slightly cramped confines.

The 10.3mm thick body does feel slightly chunky when compared to it's all touch sibling the Z10, and downright brick-like next to a svelte beauty like the Galaxy S III, but its short stout shape will fit in your pocket and palm with equal ease. At 139g it does pack some heft, but we dont see that as a bad thing. The phone feels like it means business -- something we can't say for some of its plasticky Android competitors. For more, check out the gallery below and the video after the break.

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Fossilized conduits suggest water flowed beneath Martian surface

Jan. 29, 2013 ? Ridges in impact craters on Mars appear to be fossils of cracks in the Martian surface, formed by minerals deposited by flowing water. Water flowing beneath the surface suggests life may once have been possible on Mars.

Networks of narrow ridges found in impact craters on Mars appear to be the fossilized remnants of underground cracks through which water once flowed, according to a new analysis by researchers from Brown University.

The study, in press in the journal Geophysical Research Letters, bolsters the idea that the subsurface environment on Mars once had an active hydrology and could be a good place to search for evidence of past life. The research was conducted by Lee Saper, a recent Brown graduate, with Jack Mustard, professor of geological sciences.

The ridges, many of them hundreds of meters in length and a few meters wide, had been noted in previous research, but how they had formed was not known. Saper and Mustard thought they might once have been faults and fractures that formed underground when impact events rattled the planet's crust. Water, if present in the subsurface, would have circulated through the cracks, slowly filling them in with mineral deposits, which would have been harder than the surrounding rocks. As those surrounding rocks eroded away over millions of years, the seams of mineral-hardened material would remain in place, forming the ridges seen today.

To test their hypothesis, Saper and Mustard mapped over 4,000 ridges in two crater-pocked regions on Mars, Nili Fossae and Nilosyrtis. Using high-resolution images from NASA's Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter, the researchers noted the orientations of the ridges and composition of the surrounding rocks.

The orientation data is consistent with the idea that the ridges started out as fractures formed by impact events. A competing hypothesis suggests that these structures may have been sheets of volcanic magma intruding into the surrounding rock, but that doesn't appear to be the case. At Nili Fossae, the orientations are similar to the alignments of large faults related to a mega-scale impact. At Nilosyrtis, where the impact events were smaller in scale, the ridge orientations are associated with each of the small craters in which they were found. "This suggests that fracture formation resulted from the energy of localized impact events and are not associated with regional-scale volcanism," Saper said.

Importantly, Saper and Mustard also found that the ridges exist exclusively in areas where the surrounding rock is rich in iron-magnesium clay, a mineral considered to be a telltale sign that water had once been present in the rocks.

"The association with these hydrated materials suggests there was a water source available," Saper said. "That water would have flowed along the path of least resistance, which in this case would have been these fracture conduits."

As that water flowed, dissolved minerals would have been slowly deposited in the conduits, in much the same way mineral deposits can build up and eventually clog drain pipes. That mineralized material would have been more resistant to erosion than the surrounding rock. And indeed, Saper and Mustard found that these ridges were only found in areas that were heavily eroded, consistent with the notion that these are ancient structures revealed as the weaker surrounding rocks were slowly peeled away by wind.

Taken together, the results suggest the ancient Martian subsurface had flowing water and may have been a habitable environment.

"This gives us a point of observation to say there was enough fracturing and fluid flow in the crust to sustain at least a regionally viable subsurface hydrology," Saper said. "The overarching theme of NASA's planetary exploration has been to follow the water. So if in fact these fractures that turned into these ridges were flowing with hydrothermal fluid, they could have been a viable biosphere."

Saper hopes that the Curiosity rover, currently making its way across its Gale Crater landing site, might be able to shed more light on these types of structures.

"In the site at Gale Crater, there are thought to be mineralized fractures that the rover will go up and touch," Saper said. "These are very small and may not be exactly the same kind of feature we studied, but we'll have the opportunity to crush them up and do chemical analysis on them. That could either bolster our hypothesis or tell us we need to explore other possibilities."

The research was supported by a grant from NASA's Rhode Island Space Grant Consortium and through a NASA subcontract with the Applied Physics Lab at Johns Hopkins University.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Brown University.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Lee Saper, John F. Mustard. Extensive linear ridge networks in Nili Fossae and Nilosyrtis, Mars: Implications for fluid flow in the ancient crust. Geophysical Research Letters, 2013 DOI: 10.1002/grl.50106

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: Views expressed in this article do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Google Pledges Pi Million Dollars In Pwnium 3 Prizes

I'm quite sure that any terrorist is likely to ensure that he takes great care over how his car bomb is parked, right down to the number of spaces.

First, he wants to ensure that bomb damages the target, and even more importantly the bomb has to go off.

Do you think somebody handbraking untidily across car parking spaces and jumping out in the way you imply isn't going to arouse suspicion? Obviously, he's unlikely to want to be caught, too, your analogy simply isn't working. Also, a lot of 'criminals' want to


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In breast cancer metastasis, researchers identify possible drug target

Jan. 27, 2013 ? The spread of breast cancer to distant organs within the body, an event that often leads to death, appears in many cases to involve the loss of a key protein, according to UC San Francisco researchers, whose new discoveries point to possible targets for therapy.

In the January 27, 2013 online edition of Nature Cell Biology, UCSF scientists describe for the first time how the protein, known as GATA3 -- which is abnormal or absent in many cases of human breast cancer -- normally acts downstream in biochemical pathways to prevent the distant spread of cancer, an event called metastasis.

The discovery points to a biochemical control point that simultaneously holds in check several key events required for tumor cells to successfully spread.

"When GATA3 is present, it turns off many genes that are active in metastasis," said Zena Werb, PhD, a UCSF professor of anatomy who led the research. "We now have identified the molecular mechanisms involved."

The key finding of the new study is that GATA3 acts downstream biochemically to activate a molecule -- obscure until now -- called microRNA29b. MicroRNA29b in turn stops protein production from other genes that play vital roles in metastasis.

The absence or loss of GATA3 can free cancerous cells to break free from their defined roles and tethers within a tumor, to move away from the tumor mass, to induce cancer-promoting inflammation, and to stimulate the development of new blood vessels that can help spreading cancerous cells regrow as tumors in new locations.

"People knew that some of these genes were turned on in some cancers, but they did not know they were turned on because GATA3 and microRNA29b were turned off," Werb said. "If you have 20 genes that are becoming less active all at once due to microRNA29b, it could have a profound effect."

Working with mice, the researchers found that restoring microRNA29b to one of the most deadly types of breast cancer stopped metastasis. But the researchers also found that if they knocked out the microRNA29b, tumors spread even in the presence of GATA3, suggesting that microRNA29b can be the driver of metastasis.

In the mouse models of breast cancer studied by Werb's team, GATA3 normally restrains cancerous cells from breaking away from the main tumor and migrating to other organs.

It might be possible, Werb said, to develop drugs that inhibit breast cancer metastasis by re-activating these controls in cancerous cells that have lost the normal protein.

Many researchers who study early stages of cancer focus on abnormal genes and proteins that cause cells to expand their numbers rapidly, a hallmark of cancer.

However, the ability to spread to distant places and to eventually cause lethal complications requires not only cell division and tumor growth, but also changes in how the cancerous cell negotiates with its surroundings. This relationship must be altered to permit cancer to spread, according to earlier research findings by Werb and others.

"Many of the key processes in cancer that GATA3 suppresses take place outside the cell, in the surrounding environment," she said.

GATA3 is a master control for luminal cells, which line the milk-carrying ducts of the breast. In essence, GATA3 dictates the defining characteristics of a normal breast cell, Werb said.

Luminal breast cancers are the most common form of the disease, and the hormones estrogen and progesterone drive their growth. Loss of the normal GATA3 protein as luminal breast cancers evolve is associated with a greater risk of death, Werb said, and occurs in roughly 10 percent of luminal breast cancer cases.

But, along with many other proteins, GATA3 also is absent in "triple negative," breast cancers, which are more often fatal. Triple negative breast cancers, which disproportionately affect black women and younger women, do not depend on the hormones, nor do they require a third growth factor, called HER2.

Triple negative breast cancers, which account for roughly one-in-five breast cancers, have been more difficult to target successfully with newer treatments.

"The targeting we would like to do is to give back microRNA29b specifically to breast tumor cells to prevent metastasis," Werb said.

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Story Source:

The above story is reprinted from materials provided by University of California - San Francisco, via EurekAlert!, a service of AAAS.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jonathan Chou, Jeffrey H. Lin, Audrey Brenot, Jung-whan Kim, Sylvain Provot, Zena Werb. GATA3 suppresses metastasis and modulates the tumour microenvironment by regulating?microRNA-29b expression. Nature Cell Biology, 2013; DOI: 10.1038/ncb2672

Note: If no author is given, the source is cited instead.

Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Twitter Is Buying Crashlytics - Business Insider

Twitter, the global network for short bursts of information, is buying a startup, Crashlytics, that tracks when bad code causes apps to fail abruptly.

Notably, it appears to be leaving Crashlytics alone. TechCrunch reports that Twitter is not relocating the team from Cambridge, Mass. to Twitter headquarters in San Francisco, and allowing it to continue to serve other customers like Yelp and Waze.

Twitter uses Crashlytics in its own app, as well as Vine, a recently launched app for sharing short, simply edited videos.

Which brings us to an interesting point: Is Twitter changing its acquisition strategy?

Twitter has primarily bought pieces of its own ecosystem, bringing in-house functions previously developed by third-party developers. Summize, a search engine for tweets, and Tweetie, the basis of Twitter's iPhone client, are prominent examples. Those deals have been largely successful, allowing Twitter users to find tweets and use Twitter-branded mobile apps.

It has also bought startups for their talent. Mixer Labs, a location-software startup; Posterous, a blogging platform akin to Tumblr; and Bagcheck, a list-sharing site, are two examples. Those results have been more mixed:

  • Mixer Labs CEO Elad Gil stayed for two and a half years, running corporate strategy. He left in May 2012.
  • Posterous CEO Sachin Agarwal played a key role in Twitter's new photo features.
  • Bagcheck cofounder Sam Pullara stayed for just a year on Twitter's engineering team.

With Crashlytics and Vine, Twitter is setting a new pattern: Buying startups and leaving them alone to develop products in Twitter's safe nest.

The model here is Google's acquisition of Android and YouTube, which it ran for years as standalone divisions.

Twitter's motives may vary deal by deal. As a Crashlytics customer, it may not have wanted the startup to end up in the hands of hostile rivals like Google or Facebook, who surely wouldn't mind learning about the ins and outs of Twitter's mobile-app code.

Vine, on the other hand, seems to have simply charmed Twitter's leaders with the premise of a new art form, a video version of Twitter's 140-character tweets.

But whatever the specific reasoning to buy a company, it's very interesting that Twitter's breaking from the acquire-hire pattern of buying startups and crushing what makes them unique.


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Monday, January 28, 2013

As Android rises, Asia's trend-setters feel iPhone fatigue

17 hrs.

SINGAPORE?? Apple's iconic iPhone is losing some of its luster among Asia's well-heeled consumers in Singapore and Hong Kong, a victim of changing mobile habits and its own runaway success.

Driven by a combination of iPhone fatigue, a desire to be different and a plethora of competing devices, users are turning to other brands, notably those from Samsung Electronics, eating into Apple's market share.

In Singapore, Apple's products were so dominant in 2010 that more devices here ran its iOS operating system per capita than anywhere else in the world.

But StatCounter, which measures traffic collected across a network of 3 million websites, calculates that Apple's share of mobile devices in Singapore ? iPad and iPhone ? declined sharply last year. From a peak of 72 percent in January 2012, its share fell to 50 percent this month, while Android devices now account for 43 percent of the market, up from 20 percent in the same month last year.

In Hong Kong, devices running Apple's iOS now account for about 30 percent of the total, down from about 45 percent a year ago. Android accounts for nearly two-thirds.

"Apple is still viewed as a prestigious brand, but there are just so many other cool smartphones out there now that the competition is just much stiffer," said Tom Clayton, chief executive of Singapore-based Bubble Motion, which develops a popular regional social media app called Bubbly.

Leading indicators
Where Hong Kong and Singapore lead, other key markets across fast-growing Asia usually follow.

"Singapore and Hong Kong tend to be, from an electronics perspective, leading indicators on what is going to be hot in Western Europe and North America, as well as what is going to take off in the region," said Jim Wagstaff, who runs a Singapore-based company called Jam Factory?that's developing mobile apps for enterprises.

Southeast Asia is adopting smartphones fast ? consumers spent 78 percent more on smartphones in the 12 months up to September 2012 than they did the year before, according to research company GfK.

Android rising
Anecdotal evidence of iPhone fatigue isn't hard to find: Where a year ago iPhones swamped other devices on the subways of Hong Kong and Singapore, they are now outnumbered by Samsung and HTC smartphones.

While this is partly explained by the proliferation of Android devices, from the cheap to the fancy, there are other signs that Apple has lost followers.

Singapore entrepreneur Aileen Sim recently launched an app for splitting bills called BillPin, settling on an iOS version because that was the dominant platform in the three countries she was targeting ? Singapore, India and the United States.

"But what surprised us was how strong the call for Android was when we launched our app," she said.

Indeed, 70 percent of their target users ? 20-something college students and fresh graduates ? said they were either already on Android or planned to switch over.

"Android is becoming really hard to ignore, around the region and in the U.S. for sure, but surprisingly even in Singapore," she said. "Even my younger early-20s cousins are mostly on Android now."

BillPin launched an Android version this month.

Standing out from the crowd
Napoleon Biggs, chief strategy officer at Gravitas Group, a Hong Kong-based mobile marketing company, said that while Apple and the iPhone remained premium brands there, Samsung's promotional efforts were playing to an increasingly receptive audience.

For some, it is a matter of wanting to stand out from the iPhone-carrying crowd. Others find the higher-powered, bigger-screened Android devices better suited to their changing habits ? watching video, writing Chinese characters ? while the cost of switching devices is lower than they expected, given that most popular social and gaming apps are available for both platforms.

"Hong Kong is a very fickle place," Biggs said.

Janet Chan, a 25-year-old Hong Kong advertising executive, has an iPhone 5, ?but its fast-draining battery and the appeal of a bigger screen for watching movies is prodding her to switch to a Samsung Galaxy Note II.

"After Steve Jobs died, it seems the element of surprise in product launches isn't that great anymore," she said.

Shifting trends
To be sure, there are still plenty of people buying Apple devices. Stores selling their products in places such as Indonesia were full over the Christmas holidays, and the company's new official store in Hong Kong's Causeway Bay has queues snaking out of the door most days.

But the iPhone's drop in popularity in trendy Hong Kong and Singapore is mirrored in the upmarket malls of the region.

"IPhones are like Louis Vuitton handbags," said marketing manager Narisara Konglua in Bangkok, who uses a Galaxy SIII. "It's become so commonplace to see people with iPads and iPhones so you lose your cool edge having one."

In the Indonesian capital Jakarta, an assistant manager at Coca Cola's local venture, Gatot Hadipratomo, agrees. The iPhone "used to be a cool gadget, but now more and more people use it," Hadipratomo said.

There is another influence at play: hip Korea. Korean pop music, movies and TV are hugely popular around the region, and Samsung is riding that wave. And while the impact is more visible in Hong Kong and Singapore, it also translates directly to places like Thailand.

"Thais are not very brand-loyal," says Akkaradert Bumrungmuang, 24, a student at Mahidol University in Bangkok. "That's why whatever is hot or the in-thing to have is adopted quickly here. We follow Korea, so whatever is fashionable in Korea will be a big hit."

This report was written by Jeremy Wagstaff in Singapore, with additional reporting by Lee Chyen Yee in Hong Kong, Khettiya Jittapong and Amy Sawitta Lefevre in Bangkok, and Andjarsari Paramaditha in Jakarta.

Copyright 2013 Thomson Reuters.


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9to5Mac: Apple preparing another 4th gen iPad SKU, signs point to 128GB model

9to5Mac: Apple preparing to release another 4th gen iPad SKU, signs point to 128GB model

Still waiting for a 128GB iPad? One could come sooner than you think. According to 9to5Mac, Cupertino is preparing to add a new SKU to its fourth-generation tablet line up, slotting next to the existing 16GB, 32GB and 64GB configurations as a premium model. A source at a well known US retailer shared the devices' SKU information with the outlet, marked up with internal Apple terminology that described both WiFi-only and cellular-capable slates in black and white facades. The devices' description column features a lone adjective, too: ultimate.

9to5Mac couldn't confirm that the description meant a 128GB model was inbound, but the assumption seems reasonable enough -- developers are finding references to 128GB iOS devices in iOS 6.1 beta code, and icons for the size were found in iTunes 11. Moreover, "good," "better" and "best" have all been used to describe different iPad configurations in the past -- ultimate seems like the next logical step. Strong evidence, to be sure, but we'll hedge our bets until we see something official. Read on to see the leaked SKU information for yourself.

9to5Mac Apple preparing to release another 4th gen iPad SKU, signs point to 128GB model

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Source: 9to5Mac


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Saturday, January 26, 2013

Do common painkillers cause kidney failure in children?

Jan. 25, 2013 ? Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen and naproxen, are commonly used to treat pain and reduce fever in children. However, the use of NSAIDs has been shown to cause acute kidney injury (AKI) in some children. A new study scheduled for publication in The Journal of Pediatrics reports the findings on the number of children diagnosed with AKI caused by NSAIDs in one hospital over an 11 ? year span.

Dr. Jason Misurac and colleagues from the Indiana University School of Medicine and Butler University retrospectively screened all patients hospitalized at Riley Hospital for Children at IU Health who were identified with AKI. Out of 1015 patients with AKI, 27 were identified to have NSAID-associated AKI. Seventy-eight percent of the 27 patients had been using NSAIDs for less than 7 days, and 75% took the medication at the correct dosage. In 67% of the cases, the family reported that the child had signs of dehydration. Most of the patients were teens; however, patients who were less than 5 years old were more seriously affected and more likely to need dialysis. Although the reasons for younger children having a more severe disease course are unknown, the authors speculate that it could be due to an increased susceptibility to the toxic effects of NSAIDs. None of the patients died or developed permanent kidney failure, but 30% of the children had evidence of mild chronic kidney damage persisting after recovery from the episode of AKI.

The costs of caring for children with NSAID-associated AKI are significant, especially considering that this is an avoidable condition. Adding to this cost burden is the long-term care needed, because studies show that these patients have an increased risk of progressive chronic kidney disease. In some cases, acetaminophen might be a more appropriate choice for treatment. "This study underscores the importance of understanding the natural history of NSAID-associated AKI, including the potential for development of chronic kidney disease," notes Dr. Misurac. "Providers should continue to provide careful NSAID education to parents and children."

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The above story is reprinted from materials provided by Elsevier Health Sciences.

Note: Materials may be edited for content and length. For further information, please contact the source cited above.

Journal Reference:

  1. Jason M. Misurac, Chad A. Knoderer, Jeffrey D. Leiser, Corina Nailescu, Amy C. Wilson and Sharon P. Andreoli. Non-steroidal Anti-inflammatory Drugs Are an Important Cause of Acute Kidney Injury in Children. The Journal of Pediatrics, 2013 DOI: 10.1016/j.jpeds.2012.11.069

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Disclaimer: This article is not intended to provide medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Views expressed here do not necessarily reflect those of ScienceDaily or its staff.


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Sports Digest: Dancers, Bowler Advance at State - Deerfield, IL Patch


Competitive Dance?

The Final Score:??????? 1. Highland 90.84, 2. Lake Forest 86.16, 3. Crystal Lake Central 84.58, 5. Eisenhower 81.2, 6. Deerfield 81, 7. Grayslake North 80.1, 8. Vernon Hills 79.58, 9. Lincoln Way West 74.76, 10. Triad 74.16.?

Who?s Next:?? The Warriors compete in the finals today in Bloomington.?

The Bottom Line:????? Deerfield is currently in sixth place after the first day of competition in the inaugural Illinois High School Association competitive dance event.?


Warriors Star Performer:??? Anthony Tometz rolled games of 212 213, 242, 215, 178 and 188 for a 1,248 total to put him in 58th place.?

Who?s Next:?? Tometz advances to today?s final round.?


The Final Score:??????? Deerfield 49, New Trier 18; Deerfield 39, Niles West 36?

Who?s Next:?? The Warriors compete in a triangular meet at 9 a.m. today at Glenbard West.?

The Bottom Line:????? Deerfield improved its dual meet record to 25-2 giving it the best in school history.?

Boys? Basketball?

The Final Score:??????? Glenbrook North 57, Deerfield 42,?

Warriors Star Performer:??? Jack Gurvey scored 12 points and pulled down a pair of rebounds.?

Other Notable Warrior Performances:?????? Anthony Shapiro added eight points and four rebounds while Alexander Glantz chipped in with six tallies, four boards and a pair of assists. Patrick Burns contributed seven rebounds and an assist along with his two points.

Who?s Next:?? The Warriors entertain Northridge Prep at 4 p.m. today.?

The Bottom Line:????? A 16-6 third quarter run made a big difference for the Spartan. Deerfield kept the game close at the outset trailing 7-6 at the end of the first period before Glenbrook North took a 26-19 halftime advantage. The Warriors outpointed the Spartans in the final period but did not narrow the gap enough. Deerfield is now 7-11 for the season and 1-5 in the Central Suburban League North Division.?

For complete Warrior sports coverage, "like" us on?Facebook?or follow us on?Twitter.


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ROCK HILL: Finalists for Winthrop president selected | Education ...

? For the first time in more than two decades, Winthrop University will host presidential finalists hoping to hold its top leadership position.

The finalists, announced Friday morning, are ?top flight? and it?s time to ?sell Winthrop to them,? said Bob Thompson, a Winthrop Board of Trustees member.

Those in the running to succeed retiring President Anthony DiGiorgio were chosen from more than 100 applicants and passed through two in-person interviews and reference and background checks.

Next, finalists will each embark on three-day visits to meet with students, employees and community members.

The finalists are Jeff Braden of North Carolina State University; Jayne Marie Comstock of the American Council on Education and Butler University; Elizabeth Dale of Drexel University; and Ulysses Hammond of Connecticut College.

?The candidates are student-focused,? said Kambrell Garvin, Winthrop?s student representative on the presidential search committee.

?They go out on their campuses, and they really do attempt to engage students and that?s something that we found to be really, really exciting.?

Campus visibility is important to faculty and staff, said Cliff Calloway, the committee?s faculty representative.

?If you talk to the faculty, you?ll get a pretty wide range of opinions,? Calloway said. ?A lot of the faculty ? at least as far as a common theme ? would like a new president that will be interactive with the faculty across campus.?

The university plans to use an online survey for students, faculty and staff to share opinions about the finalists after they?ve visited campus, said Kathy Bigham, trustees board vice chairwoman.

Visits start Sunday

A dean at N.C. State University in Raleigh, Braden will be the first finalist to make an official visit to Winthrop. He?s no stranger to the campus, Braden said Friday.

He has worked with Winthrop faculty in the past, helping support educational psychology development in Lancaster County schools. Winthrop, he said, is a ?beautiful campus? that, unlike many places, actually ?looks better in person than it does in pictures.?

Dale is the senior vice president for institutional advance at Drexel University in Philadelphia. Her Winthrop visit starts Wednesday.

She said she is looking forward to seeing Winthrop ?flourishing? next week with student activities and classes

She took a ?self-guided? tour of the campus last month during a time students and faculty were on winter break.

?It is a beautiful and well-manicured campus, and I was impressed by how well the newer facilities were integrated into the Neo-Georgian architectural style of the historic buildings,? she said.

Winthrop will host Hammond and Comstock throughout the first full week of February.

Hammond is vice president for administration at Connecticut College in New London, Conn.

Next month?s trip will be Hammond?s third Winthrop visit.

?The stunning beauty of the campus,? he said, and friendliness of the people at Winthrop and in Rock Hill have impressed him.

He likes Winthrop?s size, Hammond said, which allows ?the development of close relationships between faculty, students and staff.?

Comstock is the director of the executive leadership group at the American Council on Education in Washington, D.C.

She has visited Winthrop a few times in the past several years, she said ? most recently dropping in last weekend with her husband.

?We tried to view the campus as prospective parents and determined that Winthrop would be a top choice,? Comstock said Friday.

Comstock was named as a finalist in October for a presidential post at Jacksonville University in Florida.

Winthrop?s final hiring decision is expected to be made by the end of February by Winthrop?s trustees board.

DiGiorgio is the longest-serving president of any public university in South Carolina. His successor will be Winthrop?s 10th president, transitioning into the role after June.

Meet the finalists

Braden will be at Winthrop Sunday through Tuesday, Dale Wednesday through Friday, Hammond Feb. 3-5 and Comstock Feb. 6-8. The Herald will list times and locations of meet-and-greet sessions as that information becomes available.


Current position: North Carolina State?s dean of the College of Humanities and Social Sciences in Raleigh.

Before arriving at N.C. State, Braden taught and directed school psychology programs at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, San Jose State University and the University of Florida.

Education: Graduate degrees from the University of California-Berkeley, Gallaudet University and Beloit College.

Family: Married to wife Jill for more than 35 years; has one daughter in law school at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, and one son who is a junior at McGill University in Montreal, Canada.


Current position: Director of the Executive Leadership Group, American Council on Education, Washington, D.C.; on sabbatical from her role as provost and vice president for academic affairs at Butler University in Indianapolis.

Before arriving at Butler, Comstock served as vice president for academic affairs at Millikin University and as vice president and dean of the college at Baker University.

Education: Bachelor?s and master?s degrees in communication from Illinois State University and a doctorate in communication from the University of Arizona.

Family: Married to husband Larry A. Williamson, a retired Navy captain with experience in university administration and faculty positions. They have a 9-year-old Chesapeake retriever named Cocoa.


Current position: Senior vice president for institutional advance at Drexel University in Philadelphia.

Before arriving at Drexel, Dale served as vice chancellor for University Advancement at the University of Massachusetts Amherst. She was the founding executive director of the UMass Amherst Foundation.

Education: Master?s degree in public administration and a doctorate in educational policy, research and administration from UMass Amherst.

Family: Significant other is David Wright, who also lives in Philadelphia. Dale has one daughter who attended Harvard University and graduated from Smith College with a degree in Studio Art. Her daughter has started her own business and lives in Boston.


Current position: Vice president for administration at Connecticut College, New London, Conn.

Before arriving at Connecticut College, Hammond served as the executive officer of the Courts of the District of Columbia.

Education: Bachelor?s degree in political science at Kenyon College in Ohio and both a master?s degree in public administration and a juris doctorate degree from Wayne State University Law School in Michigan.

Family: Married to wife Chris for 33 years; they have two children and six grandchildren.


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Friday, January 25, 2013

Conn. governor's Newtown panel meets for 1st time

HARTFORD, Conn. (AP) ? Gov. Dannel P. Malloy's panel charged with reviewing state laws and policies after the deadly Newtown school shooting was set to hear from experts who sat on similar commissions following mass shootings in Colorado and Virginia.

Malloy's Sandy Hook Advisory Commission, scheduled to hold its first meeting on Thursday, also was expected to be briefed by Danbury State's Attorney Stephen J. Sedensky III on the status of the investigation into the Dec. 14 shooting which left 20 first graders and six educators dead.

The 16-member panel of experts, headed by Hamden Mayor Scott Jackson, faces a March 15 deadline to provide Malloy with a preliminary list of recommendations pertaining to school safety, mental health and gun violence prevention.

In addition to Malloy's group, the General Assembly has formed a bipartisan task force that is examining the same issues. A subcommittee on school safety is holding a public hearing on Friday at the Legislative Office Building. A hearing on gun safety is planned for Jan. 28 and another hearing on mental health issues is scheduled for Jan. 29.

Members of Malloy's task force will hear Thursday from two former members of similar commissions created by governors following mass shootings.

Former Colorado Gov. Bill Ritter, Denver's district attorney at the time of the 1999 Columbine High School shooting, will make a presentation. He was a member of the Columbine Review Commission, which conducted a review for then-Gov. Bill Owens.

Ritter was elected governor of Colorado in 2007 and he served until 2011.

Also, Virginia Law Professor Richard Bonnie will discuss how his state reacted to the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting. He was a consultant to then-Virginia Gov. Tim Kane's Virginia Tech Review Panel. Bonnie is director of the Institute of Law, Psychiatry and Public Policy at the University of Virginia and is chairman of the Virginia Commission on Mental Health Law Reform.

Thursday's meeting, scheduled to begin at 10:30 a.m., was to be aired live by the Connecticut Network or CT-N.


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